E-commerce website, the best choice for web shop websites

e-commerce website

The e-commerce website solution is suitable for building web shop websites. It includes the following features:

Product management

product management

You can manage products through the CMS interface.




You can browse products by categories in catalog page.


Shopping cart

shopping cart

You can add products to your shopping cart and trigger the check-out process.




The standard check-out process. You can input your shipping information and confirm your order online.


Online payment

online payment

It supports multiple payment gateways.


Order management

order management

You can search orders, modify order status or export orders.


Price and currency management

price and currency management

You can set multiple prices and currencies for a product.


Exchange rate management

exchange rate management

Exchange rate can be updated automatically and the product prices can be re-calculated accordingly.


Discount management

discount management

You can setup discount rules for products.


VAT management

VAT management

You can setup VAT for products. The system supports price including VAT and price excluding VAT.